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La participation de l’IAV aux Projets Européens de Recherche Développement (PCRD) remonte aux premières éditions de ce programme dans les années 80. Les équipes de l’IAV ont été impliqués dans 62 projets au total le plaçant en tête des institutions marocaines. La participation la plus importante est enregistrée dans le cadre du 7ème PCRD avec 14 projets.

Programme Accronyme Titre Responsable
AVICENNE  (1984-1987) IC-AVICENNE Environmental control of scihistosomiasis in irrigation schemes of the mediterranean
Bouchaib Hammouri
AVICENNE  (1984-1987) IC-AVICENNE A new vector for antigen preparation for diagnosis, vaccination and epidemiological surveillance of l. infantum and l. major  
AVICENNE  (1984-1987) IC-AVICENNE Amelioration des techniques et des parametres d'irrigation de surface dans les oasis de l'afrique du nord Bouchaib Hammouri
AVICENNE  (1984-1987) IC-AVICENNE Use of wastewater for irrigation -treatment, irrigation with various systems on various crops and institutional  Bouchaib Hammouri
AVICENNE  (1984-1987) IC-AVICENNE Advanced desinfection and health-care aspects of wastewater  
2ème PCRD (1987-1991) FP2-CAMAR Contribution to the competitiveness of agriculture and to the restoration of the environment in medietrranean countries by use of selected and adapted cypresses Tayeb Ameziane
3ème PCRD (1987-1991) STD Ane Digestion et nutrition de l'ane Fouad Guessous
4ème PCRD (1987-1991) CEE Improvement of poultry production in north, west and central Africa through selection
and serology
Mohamed El Houadfi
3ème PCRD (1990-1994) TS3 Mechanisms of pathogenesis and immunity in tropical theileriosis: their relevance to
vaccine development and disease control
Hamou Ouhelli
3ème PCRD (1990-1994) APC - RA Augmentation de la production chez la chevre: reproduction et alimentation (increase in goat production : reproduction and nutrition) Lahsen Derqaoui
3ème PCRD (1990-1994) FP3-STD3 Recherches et etudes pour la valorisation et assainissement des eaux usees par
Bouchaib El Hamouri
3ème PCRD (1990-1994) Anacardier Development of selection and clonal propagation techniques for multiplication of elite
yield and anthracnose tolerant cashew
Abdelhadi Abousalim
3ème PCRD (1990-1994) FP3-STD3 Effet de l'ingestion des produits laitiers fermentes sur la capacite immunitaire des
sujets nourris et malnourris
Hmama Abed
4ème PCRD (1994-1998) FP4-INCO Molecular genetics, cellular immunology and peptide-chemistry for the development on control tools against leishmaniosis Med Sadiki
4ème PCRD (1994-1998) Thélériose 98 Application of recombinant dna technolgy to vaccination, diagnosis and epidemiology in tropical theileriosis Malika Kachani
4ème PCRD (1994-1998) Fysame Programme de recherche sur les lacs collinaires dans la zone semi-aride Abdelaziz Merzouk
4ème PCRD (1994-1998) Hydromed du pourtour mediterraneen
4ème PCRD (1994-1998) Fysame Nitrogen fixation and yield of grain legume in saline mediterranean zones Mohammed Sadiki
4ème PCRD (1994-1998) FP7-ENVIRONMENT Sustainability and optimisation of treatment and use of wastewater in agriculture Yasmina Imani
4ème PCRD (1994-1998) UE - CT97 a system approach to wastewater biotreatment for the protection of mediterranean coastal areas Bouchaib El Hamouri
4ème PCRD (1994-1998) FP7-HEALTH Integrated control of ticks and tick-borne diseases vaccine development, diagnostics, genetic resistance and delivery systems Abdelkébir Rhalem
4ème PCRD (1994-1998) Cedre Biodiversity audit, propagation and sustainable exploitation of ced ars - cedrus spp - in the mediterranean region Lahcen Kenny
4ème PCRD (1994-1998) Inco Foradapt Global, physiological and molecular responses to climatic stresses of three mediterranean conifers - pines of the halepensis-brutia section, Abdellah Ouassou
4ème PCRD (1994-1998) FP4-INCO Patterns of praziquantal usage and monitoring of possible resistance in africa Allal Dakkak
4ème PCRD (1994-1998) Frymed Yield stability and resistance of faba bean to major pathogens in western mediterranean area Mohammed Sadiki
4ème PCRD (1994-1998) DRASME Desertification risk assessment in silvopastoral mediterranean ecosystems: bases towards a sustainable management of natural Ahmed El Aich
5ème PCRD (1998-2002) FP7-KBBE The impact of international safety and quality standards on the competitiviness of mediterranean fresh produce Ammar Kaanane
5ème PCRD (1998-2002) ECHINOSTOP Prevention of hydatidosis by development of an oral vaccine against echinococcus granulosus infection of the dog Hamou Ouhelli
5ème PCRD (1998-2002) FP7- INFRASTRUCTURES Mediterranean co-ordination and dissemination of land conservation management to combat land degradation  Rachid Doukkali
5ème PCRD (1998-2002) FP7-KBBE water saving in mediterranean agriculture Rachid Doukkali
5ème PCRD (1998-2002) WADEMED Water demand management knowledge base in the mediterranean Rachid Doukkali
5ème PCRD (1998-2002) FP5-INCO2 Efficient water use through environmentally sound hydroponic Mohammed BAZZA
5ème PCRD (1998-2002) production of high quality vegetables for domestic and export markets in mediterranean countries.
5ème PCRD (1998-2002) FLORE DU RIF Floristic biodiversity of northern morocco Moh Rejdali
6 ème PCRD (2002-2006) AQUARHIZ Modulation of plant-bacteria interactions to enhance tolerance to water deficit for
grain legumes in the Mediterranean dry lands
Mohammed Sadiki
6 ème PCRD (2002-2006) AQUASTRESS Mitigation of Water Stress through new Approaches to Integrating Management,
Technical, Economic and Institutional Instruments
Ali Hammani
6 ème PCRD (2002-2006) CYCLER-SUPPORT Supporting the implementation of FP6 research activities related to waste water use
and recycling by using new generation greenhouse systems, adapted to the
6 ème PCRD (2002-2006) DIMAS Deficit Irrigation for Mediterranean Agricultural Systems Rachid Hammimaz
6 ème PCRD (2002-2006) EDEN emerging diseases in a changing european environment Ouaffae Fassi Fihri
6 ème PCRD (2002-2006) EU-MED AGPOL impacts of agricultural trade liberalization between the eu and mediterranean countries Rachid Doukkali
6 ème PCRD (2002-2006) EUROMEDCITRUSNE T Safe and High Quality Supply Chains and Networks for the Citrus Industry between
Mediterranean Partner Countries and Europe
Mohammed El Otmani
6 ème PCRD (2002-2006) IRRIQUAL Sustainable orchard irrigation for improving fruit quality and safety Abdellatif El Fadl
6 ème PCRD (2002-2006) LEISH-MED Monitoring risk factors of spreading of leishmaniasis around the mediterranean basin Allal Dakkak
6 ème PCRD (2002-2006) MELIA Mediterranean dialogue on integrated water management Rachid Doukkali
6 ème PCRD (2002-2006) PARASOL Novel solutions for the sustainable control of nematodes in ruminants Boumediane Berrag
6 ème PCRD (2002-2006) QUALIWATER Diagnosis and Control of Salinity and Nitrate Pollution in Mediterranean Irrigated
Brahim Soudi
6 ème PCRD (2002-2006) SOWAMED Network for the exchange of methodologies and expertise on sustainable water
management and land husbandry in the Mediterranean
Alami Mohamed Majjati
7ème PCRD (2007-2013) ARIMNET Coordination of Agricultural Research in the Mediterranean Mohamed Sadiki
7ème PCRD (2007-2013) SWUP-MED Sustainable water use securing food production in dry areas of the Mediterranean
Ouafae Belhabib
7ème PCRD (2007-2013) ICONZ Integrated controlof neglected zoonoses: improving human health and animal
production through scientific innovation and public engagement
Allal Dakkak
7ème PCRD (2007-2013) PARAVAC Vaccines against helminth infections Allal Dakkak
7ème PCRD (2007-2013) BIO CIRCLE 2 Reinforcing the internationl cooperation in FP7 FAFB strenghtening the CIRCLE of
Third Countries BIO NCPs
Sanaa Zebakh
7ème PCRD (2007-2013) OH-NEXTGEN Training of the One Health Next Scientific Generation in the Sahel and Maghreb Abdlkébir Rhalem
7ème PCRD (2007-2013) SIRRIMED Sustainable use of irrigation water in the Mediterranean region Mohamed el Otmani
7ème PCRD (2007-2013) Food for Life supporting healthy lifestyles in the mediterranean area Sanaa Zebakh
7ème PCRD (2007-2013) LEDDRA Land and Ecosystem Degradation and Desertification: Assessing the Fit of Responses Ahmed El Aich
7ème PCRD (2007-2013) EMAP Edible, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Saadia Zrira
7ème PCRD (2007-2013) Food for Life supporting healthy lifestyles in the mediterranean area Mohamed el Otmani
7ème PCRD (2007-2013) DEWFORA Early warning and forecasting systems to predict
climate related drought vulnerability and risks in Africa]
Yasmina Imani
7ème PCRD (2007-2013) Biowaste 4sp Turning biowaste into sustainable products: development of appropriate conversion
technologies applicable in developing countries
Houcine Bartali
7ème PCRD (2007-2013) SPRING Mediterranean Science, Policy, Research &Innovation Gateway Sanaa Zebakh